The right questions for your Florist to be…. - Manor on High


The right questions for your Florist to be….

Picture your dream wedding. What can you see? A sea of happy and teary faces in elegant attires, food,  drink, your favourite music, and of course, stunning arrangements of flowers wherever you look. Take any of these out of the equation and it doesn’t feel like a wedding anymore. Especially flowers; the very essence of any perfect wedding decor.

Let’s take you through a few vital questions you might want to keep handy, when you plan to meet up with your wedding florist

Preparation is always handy

Before your first consultation with your florist, collect images and items that best tie up with the mood and palette. These can be both offline and online. From scraps of magazines all the way to Pinterest boards, we recommend that you are well equipped for your first meeting with the creative extraordinaire who can make your wedding a truly gorgeous sight.

Show me the money

As always, the budget will set the tone for the perfect floral experience. A few things to consider would be whether you need a minimum floral budget, recommendations to maximize budgets and choosing between specific versus customizable packages.

To avoid overspending, we recommend that you ask your florist to choose flowers which are in season around the same time of the year. Less is more, in this case, as you can always use lesser quantity of flowers and double it up with extra accessories for the overall look. Lastly, be sure to ask about extra charges for delivery and setup costs.

A bouquet of choices!

Seasonal flowers, as mentioned earlier, is always your best bet. Naturally, there is a myriad of floral styles and themes to use them effectively. Whether it is classic, bold, natural or wild designs a good florist will be able to create exactly what you are after keeping in mind your personality style and general feel of the wedding day. Requesting a portfolio from your florist can be a good way to help the decision-making process. 

All about the wedding dress!

Picking the right flowers to suit your wedding dress can be a challenge.  One thing to keep in mind is the colour of the flowers against the fabric of the dress. It is important to discuss the length of the wedding dress with your florist so exactly the right kind of flowers are used to compliment your gown and compete with it or overpower it.  Ask your florist about on-trend monochrome colours for your floral arrangements. Other recent trends in flower hues have been more free-flowing and vintage in nature, as opposed to a formal arrangement.

To preserve or not to preserve..

While your wedding florist is sure to make your big day exceptionally gorgeous, he/she can play a role in helping you decide whether you want to preserve your bridal bouquet or not. A thorough discussion around this topic can help you make a tough decision as well as save a good amount of money accordingly.  From our experience,  preserving the bouquet is often a costly affair with very average results.

Florists are vital cogs in your wedding planning journey. These artists will help you create the perfect mood and décor for one of the most important days of your life. These meetings are worth taking the time to ensure both you and the Florist are on the same page so that your dream day becomes a reality.  

Our consultant on this article was none other than our local expert florist Elizabeth Lagona who offers a fabulous collection of flower styles, designs and so much more for your dream wedding. 


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