New Year’s Resolutions for Couples - Manor on High


New Year’s Resolutions for Couples

They say that a New Years’ resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Yes, it’s fair to say most of these resolutions bring out the best in creativity among those who propose them – but achieving them are next to impossible.

As we approach the last month of 2019, we bring to you some thoughtfully handpicked new year resolutions for couples to explore bringing on a memorable 2020.

No such thing as too much gratitude

Yes, we’re in the 21st century where things happen a lot faster than we imagine. We appreciate the pace but often end up forgetting to appreciate the action. The same goes for modern-day couples who hustle everyday and overlook the little things in life. Something as simple as thanking each other more often, returning the favour and sprinkling some surprises here and there while doing so, can go a long way in showing how grateful both of you are. Trust us, you’ll end up telling us how grateful you are to us for this very suggestion!

Sweat it out together

Okay, we admit it – we’re sticking to a cliché for this one. Then again, this clichéd new year resolution is easily among the most productive ones if taken up. And what better way to stay productive and in shape than with your better half? Gyms around the world know this all too well and have plenty of offers to spoil couples (in a good way, of course). Working out demands a great deal of motivation and we believe that there are very few sources of motivation as strong and consistent as the ones couples draw from each other. What’s more, this is also another great excuse to spend more time together!

Listen. That’s it.

We couldn’t have possibly put this across in a simpler manner. Listening is an indispensable element in any human relationship. Most of us are not perfect at it, but most of us know how helpful it can be to engage in conversations by listening intently. The same goes for couples – even if it means reigniting conversations or starting afresh, taking more time out to listen to each other can make you realise how much you enjoy each other’s company and how much you respect each other. Listen to us – listen to each other.

 More getaways please!

It’s hard to say no to travel – there are few things in life which cannot be sorted out by a good getaway. A new year is all about new experiences and adventures. Couples who travel together, stay together (literally and metaphorically!) and there are plenty of options to choose from to get your 2020 off to a flying start. Traveling also brings out the best and, sometimes, previously unseen sides to people which is great for couples in adding another dimension to the relationship! Getting to know each other while having fun and discovering new places is just too good to resist.

Less technology, more togetherness.

Yes, irony has it that you’re reading this advice while using a bit of technology. But we can’t think of a better way of saying it. While there’s enough research and studies which show how people who spend more time with their tech devices have weaker social relationships and skills – so much so, that there’s technology itself which helps control your time spent on… technology. To put it simply, dear couples, please get off your phones? There’s a world outside these screens and a significant part of it is your better half!  Make time for love, love-making and anything and everything which makes love more meaningful. And while you’re at it, you don’t really have to whip out your phones to show the world all that. You’re welcome.



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